In Rome, the wonder of the Next Museum
You'll be able to step inside the world's most famous paintings, touch their colors, hear their sounds.
You'll be able to walk the streets that the greatest artists trod.
You'll experience Art in a whole new way, thanks to the highest immersive technology.
Immersive technologies and Art: a love story
Videomapping, Virtual Reality Viewers, faithful reconstructions and multimedia projections.
These are just a few of the many immersive technologies that Rome's Next Museum has brought together for Art to introduce you to it in a never-before-seen guise.
Breathe in the works, get to know the artists, walking in their worlds.
Don't expect the usual captioned exhibition: let's step out of the frames!
Rome Location
The immersive exhibitions
Monet e gli Impressionisti
Videomapping, intelligenza artificiale, virtual reality, sala didattica, selfie opportunity per una coinvolgente esperienza multisensoriale per celebrare i 150 anni della prima mostra impressionista
Avvicinatevi alla vita e all'opera di questo artista grazie a una mostra immersiva unica nel suo genere e contemplate i suoi dipinti come non avevate mai immaginato prima.
Reach us
Next Museum Rome
Corso d'Italia 37/D - 00198 Rome
Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
TEL +39 392 9330084